Stacey Dash Blames “Intern” For Maxine Waters “BUFFOON” Tweet…

Stacey Dash has been under fire since her disrespectful tweet towards Maxine Waters, following the lifetime politician’s acceptance speech at Black Girls Rock.

In case you forgot, Stacey called Maxine a “BUFFOON” and made a lame attempt to AGE-SHAME her with the Andy Warhol coined 15-minutes of fame.

Now, Stacey is backtracking and blaming her intern.


  1. A group of powerful black people must have had a talk with Stacey Dash. She is now backtracking her statement; claiming that a intern made the tweet. I don’t believe her and neither should you. Stacey Dash is not only an old 50 year old hoe, she is also a liar.

  2. Watch Willie D’s video on coons…Stacey is center front. Stacey wasn’t smart enough to keep a job on Fox what an idiot.

  3. I agree with Stacy, that lady need to clean up south central before she go running off at the mouth about Trump. South Central is terrible and she out there accepting gold statues. That woman is pitiful.

  4. Three things Stacey Dash doesn’t realize. One, she is a 50 year old stupid, irrelevant hoe. Two, Mazine Waters has been a politician for over 40 years. Three, Congressmwoman Waters has powerful connections not just with Congressional Black Caucus, but with the boule (Sigma Pi Phi) and the prince hall masons. The only connection Stacey Dash has had is her mouth connected to a white man’s penis. Stacey Dash needs to watch her mouth and watch who she insults. If Stacey Dash insults or disrepects the wrong person, that person may put her in jail or in the cemetery. Remember when Joan Rivers insulted Barack and Michelle Obama? Weeks later Joan Rivers was dead.

  5. You think cause Joan called obama gay and Michelle a tranny she was killed in surgery

    • It is a strange coincidence that Joan Rivers would die weeks after saying those things about the Obamas. There is usually a bit of truth in a funny joke (Ask Katt Williams). Not sure if I believe what Joan said, but I have never seen a heterosexual black man fight so hard for gay rights and do little to nothing for black rights.

      • Again you call this mixed person “black”…you do know dick cheney is in his bloodline among others right?

        What you all expected him to do outside of what they told him he could do is beyond me.

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