Braxton Family Values Season 5 Ep18: ‘The Mother of All Insults’

This episode made me cry so much. Tamar need to watch her tongue, its not what she say, its how she says and do stuff, its full of hatred, she is one of them straight up chicks, she cant help it, that’s her personality, just remember, don’t treat your sisters like that.

SMH, I dont even know what to say about that baby comment, u hit a nerve for real. How is Tamar suppose to work and keep her baby. I will keep my thoughts to myself on this one, but I will say, u need to watch your tongue too, I know Tamar hurt your feelings but not the babies. Y’all sisters, waste your energy on haters, not each other, if u insist on wasting it. I done cried my eyelashes off, dang it, lol. I love y’all n y’all love each other. Live life as if this your last day with your sisters, all of u, in reality, it may be, but I pray its a extremely long time.

Check the full ep here:


  1. Tamar almost ruined the “REAL”, she cant perform, and is a waste of entertainment air time. Only in the obama era did no talents like her thrive, while our great entertainers were pushed aside.

  2. But she is real as they say “DON’T HATE THE PLAYER HATE THE GAME” cause as someone once said”” THAT’S HER”” or even love to hate her but give her props cause she ain’t no joke…
    As u got a very cute family enjoy them OK…

    • Tamar is only real when it comes to her sisters affairs (personal business) but don’t say anything about her or her fat ass husband.. She’s been cuddled too long and it’s time she stop dishing it out, if she can’t take it back.. I dipo not condemn violence, but I can see why Vince beats her ass, her mouth is always running.. She thinks she’s always right and etc….

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