Tiffney Cambridge: “God knows what happened and the truth will prevail…”

Rapper Game Arrest Warrant

Checks Ex-Mate?

While The Game shoots down reports of his alleged March 19th physical attack on Tiffney Cambridge, reported to have left her with a “damaged eye socket and broken nose” — Tiffney has one message: “God knows what happened and the Truth will Prevail.”

Tiffney — who shares two kids with Game — says, “He has to defend himself to the world but there is no need for you to have to validate or justify you. ‘I will contends with you” Isaiah 49:25″. This, while Game appears to be sour.. apparently taking to Twitter to rub salt on sore wounds. Just ask his momma.

“The truth will definitely come out. I’m always looking out for my children’s safety and have never laid a hand on Tiffney.” ~The Game

Here’s what Tiffney took to social media to say:

“All I needed to see.. Thank u Jesus. Thank u to my family, friends & supporters.. Nothing more to be said or explained.”






  1. The game ain’t shit. Sorry negro without a hit in years.
    Beating women. Bitch made nikkuh!

  2. Who cares what she got to say she ain’t gonna do nothing but run right back to him anyway he probably been smacking the shit outta her but money and fame goes a long way in relationships these days save your concerns for women who really need help

    • I agree. I’m willing to bet this is not the first time he’s laid hands on her but probably the first time it got this rough.

      He’ll apologize, buy her an expensive present, give her a good f*ck, take her and the kids out so the media can see how happy they are and that will be that….for a minute.

      People crack me up quoting from the bible, when they get lit up on blog sites for crazy behavior. lol

  3. If this is a publicity stunt for the upcoming season of their show shame on them. If not Tiffany you better not take him back for the sake of your kids just co parent. It reminds me of when Chad and Evelyn went through their ish but their show was cancelled because of the domestic violence.

  4. I just can’t stand it when hoodrats (both men and women) try and get all deep and spiritual.

    It is like inviting your dog to church to bark a sermon or some ish…

  5. If he put hands on her, she need to vacate. No amount of money or comfort is worth being beaten on. But, tell that to the wives of Ray Rice and Columbus Short. Neither has suffered harsh consequences. He’s beaten on her before, but, she’s put up with for the money. Game not making money, so, the reality show is bringing in some dollars.

  6. She is much to old to be getting her ass whooped by a busted rapper, this shouldn’t be happing at her age,something is wrong with this story..

  7. What is it with these hood rats beating women?? Is it a form of powertrip? Do they feel good after beating a women??? Why can’t they hit men like it when confronted??? Can knock a lady out but not a man??? All domestic abusers are cowards!! If you take him back Tiffany you’re giving him that power to do it again and again shake mi head in shame.

  8. I wish these two would break-up already. These is one toxic ass relationship…its like watching the longest train wreck of all times.

  9. she hit him first u really think dude dont got money to put cameras up in his house and you can see from the show shes a nag

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