So, You Wanna Date A Porn Star? Alexa Crux Says Save Yourself!

Wanna Date a Pornstar

“Mentally it’s pretty hard ’cause it’s like you are doing something so unnatural.”

A seven-year in the biz ex-porn star is revealing the real deal behind those X-rated flicks many love to watch. Know why? Because 25-year-old Vanessa ‘Alexa Cruz’ Belmond is pulling a brave move to benefit you … using her own far from glamorous porn industry experience — including compromising her mental and physical being; STD infections and being forced to self-medicate herself, for face — as a lesson to all.

“I had a lot of vaginal tears and anal tears. When you’re on a really strong pain-killer it’s a lot easier to take something like anal and smile and act like you’re having a great time.”

Here’s what’s the Christian Post is reporting:

“The young woman thought she was going to just engage in a little soft porn — which in her mind included girl-on-girl action — and do some nude modeling on the side, but her ambitions went way further than she expected.”

Here’s what Vanessa Belmond reveals:

“Nobody really wants to date a porn star, web cam girl, stripper or escort. As to the whole family thing and having kids, I’m like ‘who’s gonna have kids with an ex porn star?’ And even when I’m 60 I’m still gonna have this porn on the Internet. It’s like having a virus or something that never goes away.

As far as STDs, I had Chlamydia probably three, four times or more. I had bacterial infections a lot and the testing, I thought, was keeping me safe because they make it sound like everyone is tested. The thing is, you only test once a month and all through that month they still have a ‘clean’ test, but they might have gotten something.

My first anal scene I had to take painkillers because it was still so painful. I had a lot of vaginal tears and anal tears. When you’re on a really strong pain-killer it’s a lot easier to take something like anal and smile and act like you’re having a great time.

I actually started bleeding during one of them orgies. Mentally it’s pretty hard ’cause it’s like you are doing something so unnatural. You are letting four, five, six, seven, eight men have sex with you. That’s not a natural thing.

Do x-rated actresses defecate on porn sets while being shot performing anal sex scenes? Of course. Don’t believe me.. Ask Marie Luv.


  1. Am so sorry for her but i pray she get over it an move on with her life. I would married you same way because your mistake is no worse than any other an god will forgive if asked him to so should we take of yourself.

  2. This is such BS SHE decided at 18 to do porn SHE decided to do anal for the money, SHE is to blame for her “Pain” SHE is the one to blame no one tied her hands down right?

  3. I never judge a book by its cover. People will always have reasons to do what they do. Who cares if a pornstar has sex on camera so that a bunch of people can jerk off to it, she’s still a human being. No matter what your life was like, everyone deserves some happiness at the end of the rainbow. So please, let people get off their judgmental high horses and cut them some slack. I would date a pornstar or even a prostitute if she would return my affections rather go after some ‘impossible to get’ girl who would make me work my ass for her ‘love’ and give me nothing at the end of the day. Everyone has their baggage they bring into relationship. Even waste can be recycled. Just use your imagination and think of what you can recycle that waste to produce. Any man out there looking for some ‘plain jane virgin mary’ type will be disappointed to find a devil in disguise instead. Jesus Christ dined with prostitutes and societal out casts remember. You don’t have to look like an angel to be an angel. If we got chemistry, f*ck what her life was like before we met! I’m more interested in what the future of my relationship is like than what she used to do. That’s past so if she wants to leave it and be with me, f*ck what any other person says!

  4. If I ever hit the powerball I am going to marry a black pornstar…love my sister girls!!!

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