See the First Photos of Beyonce and Jay Z’s New Twins

Sir Carter and Rumi 1 month today. ??❤️??????????

A post shared by Beyoncé (@beyonce) on


    • they’re both ugly with no sense of style. all that money and their clothes look worse than kmart

  1. She trying to look like a goddess she think she’s Semiramis or Astarte or oshun whatever

    Better shut up before that beyhive attack me

  2. She should have had that flowers in the shape of a heart. Instead it looks like a funeral leftover spray. Anyway, the smoothness of the photo and her off center barely there belly button gives it away that it was photoshopped. Except for her fans, the world laughs at her.

    • Go to TMZ and see the first picture that not photoshopped, her belly button looks nasty.
      The second picture is photoshopped and it shows..

  3. Beyonce has been heavily criticized throughout her career. One positive thing we all must say about her is that when she decided to get married and have kids, she chose a black man. Halle Berry, , Paula Patton, Soledad O’Brien and CA Senator Kamala Harris didn’t do that.

    • But did she choose a quality black man? No. He’s nearly 50 yrs old and still cheating, there’s video of him beating up a woman and he admits to being a womanizer on his latest CD (4:44). Bey could have picked a better black man.

    • Oh Shut Up Fool.

      First you called all those women you mentioned mulatto, now they are black because they have married white.

      According to you they aren’t black unless you are dissing them, so since they are not black they can marry whoever they choose!

      • THANK YOU!!!! God, now I understand what you were trying to tell me before… And guess what AUTHENTIC black women being blamed for mulatto psychoses.

    • I thought she chose love– we hear little to nothing when opBlack men marry white women and it’s too many to listen. ….lll

  4. All these Hollywood dudes cheat

    Dmx kept making babies while married
    Robin thicker cheated
    Eric Benet cheated on Halle
    Ja rule cheater, Irv gottu fucking Ashanti while married, David Letterman cheater, Arnold swartzenegger cheater, bill Clinton cheater

    All men with power and money will cheat

    • Davis Justice cheated on Halle
      Wesley Snipes best her so badly she lost hearing in one ear. Christopher Williams was blamed for beating her and he didn’t it was this the Wesley.. Christopher career was never the same

  5. All these Hollywood dudes cheat

    Dmx kept making babies while married
    Robin thicker cheated
    Eric Benet cheated on Halle
    Ja rule cheater, Irv gottu fucking Ashanti while married, David Letterman cheater, Arnold swartzenegger cheater, bill Clinton cheater

    All men with power and money will cheat

  6. They may be of what you call célebrity status but they nor their children are special just used.

  7. She is achingly beautiful. She has two black parents. She married a rich black man(who has done no worse than Joe Kennedy or any of the Robber Barons) and yet, she gets nothing but but disdain on this site.

    Black folks are hard to understand.

    • What have they done to help the lesser class, meaning the poor people.. Oh I read JayZ has some small time program for the poor.. They sent a truckload of bottle water to the poor folks
      in Flint.. Of yea they sent lunches when protesters were outraged about killing poor innocent black men… Heck Denzel gave over 25 million to the boy and girl club of America and donates his time and so do his wife…..I can go on and on

  8. That bellybutton is suspect though! And how did she get fit so fast when the wifey of the NFL quarterback is so overweight that she didn’t show up at the Epsy awards with her hubby.

    • Everybody bodies don’t snap back quickly, I know I didn’t.. It took me 6 months, diet and exercise.. I still have stretch marks from my twins.. My sister gained 40 pounds with her twins, in one month she was back in her size 1 jeans ? In one month, no stretch marks at all and no C Section.. I was utterly disgusted, RIP she was always tiny and she ate like a man. I have to watch everything I eat and exercise to stay in shape, thank God I’m tall because it surely help a great deal. Some women are back in their clothes the next week.. Ugh
      We are unique individuals made in the likeness of Jesus and I give him all the praise and glory.
      These stars have false idols and and false God..imo

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