Singer Jazmine Sullivan turned the tragedy of a man’s death into a way to shade him and call him thirsty!
Jazmine wrote an Instagram eulogy to Thomas “TC” Clay who passed away over the weekend. She spoke about how she “didn’t know TC very well” but all the times they crossed paths he was “annoying”!!
She continued telling stories about how she accidentally gave him her number, and about the time he made up an entire “5 minute song” about her.
She then ended the post by saying TC was probably still crushing on her from heaven SMH.
It’s just plain tacky and disrespectful! Read this mess:
Jazmine got dragged so hard by her lace front wig, she was forced to delete the post.
Do you think the singer was being insensitive?
Misleading header. She was just retelling what happened. She gave him props.
But on another note, why are all these gospel singers fat, weave-wearing, makeup drenched heifers showing cleavage? Not exactly sanctified!
She is NOT a gospel singer, dumbass!
Oh, excuse me, I was describing your mother.
Lol…more like yourself….you self-hating slore back whale…lol.
Her whole story came off self-absorbed. Too much about how he was pining for her for a year and how she always had to let him down easily–somehow proving trying to the rest of the world reading that she is irresistible to some man even after he has died. Jaz, was that really the time to passively stroke your own ego?? Gross.
Never been a fan of this child since she came on the scene talkin' bout bustin' windows out ppl's cars. Always seemed to be a brat. 😛
But im tryna figure what was disrespectful that she said? Besides sharing memories…People can't read im sure they can they just wanna read it how they want to and start some shit off of it.
Why don't you go take your none existent ass some where and go play touch it with Missy Elliott.
Fuck these gospel singers they smoke crack. And wanna f*ck your wife and kids
Fuck Eddie long hiv infected ass
Fuck that fag Ted haggard
Fuck creflo dollar
Fuck Juanita bynums dyke ass
@Crazychris, OMG…OMG
Okay…yeah, I guess THAT really is our Crazychris???
Hellllllll….Since we are on the top about the Gospel, I heard thru the prayer line we have finally found the test! And pretty cheap too! ?????
"Sure in heaven did…doggone it!!!"
And…you getting a whoopin'???
Logging off…lmao
I think she had way too much of an intimate conversation publicly about a recently deceased man. While he could have been all that she stated and more, now isn't the time to disclose especially on social media. We all know how ppl have nothing but great things to say about the recently deceased, despite how they may have actually been in "LIFE". "Bet not a nobody have nuthin' bad to say bout a Man of the Church." Unfortunately she is in need of a lesson in Pubic Relations. Reminds me of watching Kelly Prince on Hollywood Divas and thinking, "Im not supporting her anymore" LOL Ijs
I agree
Correction: R&B Divas
Jasmine a diva sorry her career don't even come close
At least you guys know who this woman is. I've NEVER not even once heard of her.?
Really miss reg? That supsrises me bc your usually in the know and i get most of my insider from you. I toved her first lp. Her voice was an anointment to my ears when i got hurt in sandbox and was going thru rehab to walk again.
Because you speak so highly of her voice I'm going to take a moment to find & listen to her music. Seriously, I've never heard of her until now.
Thats because you're lame af
No it's because she is too busy! I should know! I talks to her by phone, so U can missed me with that bs!
Anonymous was talking to Anonymous at 21:23…that post was there before I left mine so they weren't talking to me.
I talking to you you lame regular lying ass bitch … Gtfoh I don't f*ck with none of today music ppl and I know her Everybody and they grand mammy heard except the bitch who got all this Hollywood insight … Bitch you work for Google that's your clients boring bitch !
Deodorant 1 bitch stfu you that ho guard dog everytime somebody call this lame bitch out … Here come lassie barking up hot air about your imaginary friend both you bitches need to stfu Plz !
?Apparently Timbitchtu thought it was cute to respond to OUR conversation by talking about their mother & all the bitches in it’s family. I figured you’d get a kick out of it too.
Love ❤️ it when a hater shows themselves hateful & surely it takes a bitch to know one!!!☝?
Bye Timbitchtu?
U talking about Shit Hell Ass up here talking out the side of temporal lobe like she don’t got no damn sense whatsoever and not knowing she ran up on somebody that can trace her HTTP address, by longitude and latitude degrees (right there should tell anybody don’t come for me when I can locate U that way especially U have done it so damn long U pretty can chart this shit while U having sex and making a baby at the same damn time) and not to mention, 75+ political asylum countries, a security clearance and seven to twelve different legal documentation to let me pretty much get away just about anything. U come for me and my sister? This is what U do , U no good non citizen in dysfunctional alabaster non ethical let alone trying to extend your opinion where U were not even was handed an extension cord that U was and probably is still running out of your backroom , across the yard and hooked up to your neighbor’s outside socket just to make sure U can see that what I am sending to U. Let alone made it to some kind of scholastic knowledge to give U some damn common sense enough for U to come out your motherf*cking mouth about me and my sister! I am the only person up here than can do things and don’t give two shade of Mammy f*ck about your careless soul let alone the air U breathe!!! Now, if I come back up here and U say something about me and family again, when U walk out your door, DON’T LOOK DOWN!!! U MAY NOT NEVER LOOK UP EVER AGAIN!
I didn't see an insult I seen truth. The last sentence was a lil off kilter in my taste because that man just past and being she's not familiar with him what I'd he had a wife/fiancée? 2 and she probably is kind of a brat her family does under Strawberry Mansion or they used to she's from old white/ black money in PA. I only know this because my family is one of those old white/ black money families 2 and they perused with each other back in the day when my grandfather help start the naacp chapter in Pittsburgh. Oh thats all her hair. Whether she wears weaves or not idk but her hair is real. But shes a sweet person and pretty down to earth given her circumstances.
The whole post was mostly about her REJECTING HIM
This wasnt the time for this foolishness
Smh. She sounds like a narcisst
Why would he still be thinking about her after he is dead?
Please lady, lol
I forgot all these fried chicken and biscuit eating pastors who swear they saving souls
TD Jake's fat ass
Jimmy swaggert prostitute chasing crack smoking ass
And the bakkers bisexual swingers Tammy Faye looked like a trans clown who had a sex change
Rev timms suicidal drug addicted ass wanted to kill himself cause he couldn't handle drugs and a white woman means
@Crazychris, just spit my cereal all over the place. I will never read another one of ur comments while I'm eating. LOL.
Oh this is nothing! CC have posted some stuff that had me get out my breathing machine! His posts be too doggone funny!???
You are too funny CC!
Gurrrlllll, I had to leave HSK cause CC ran me off with his stuff! Had my head in all kinds of f*cked! ?????