For some, this past Monday was all about MCM man-crushes. But apparently for Janelle Monae, Met Gala Monday was all about lockin’ down ladies. Just ask Erykah Badu! If you have any doubts about it.. Just take a look at these pics of Ms. Monae trying to holla at Lupita Nyong’u AND plottin’ to bump Bey.
Check it:
Lupita looks date rape uncomfortable and Badu looks high.
Lol. I know it looks like a scene from an after school special from back in the day.
In all fairness Lupita is probably uncomfortable around people, black or white, who dont wear sperry shoes on a casual day. The same look Will Smith may have in a room of non-scientologists or average West Philly people without security. In all honesty if heard Beyonce speak, been around Janelles animated impish self, or saw Erykah Badu zooted I may have clutch my purse as well and tucked wallet in sock. Probably taken by surprised and just out of her element though thr Met Gala. I took a phone pic of a gf with the expression the first time she took mass transit at the tender age of mid 30s.
But really who are sending the invites. Next year we will see Scrappy with mama D in a ballgown.
Lmao! Yes she is like brad, Angelina, somebody please help. But you are right, we all know what that feels like to be out of our normal element.
“Tender age of mid 30’s” Laughing out real loud on that. Good 1! I needed that shit!!!
dying laughing, she looks like she is covering her goodies
That’s because E is high! Lol
See, here’s the thing…I have sisters…and bffs, right? At at parties or events you might just manage to snap a pic of us talking close. Or whispering and hugging. But you never manage to get us looking like we about to climb up on the nearest buffet table and have at it. That shit looks like a straight up lesbo pick up…except for Erykah , who has that coke paranoia look.These ladies definitely swim in that pond, hunty. Errrrr one of em, including Beowulf
true. but the 2nd pic appears to be a selfie… erica’s selfie.
True. And I know beyonce is pissed that this picture is public. Than again it might boost her popularity with LBGT community.
Hehehehehe. Bey is scaling a very thin line these days. Is she the polished American Sweetheart or is she a try hard bootleg Rihanna – Tryna be all sexy and free and shit. LMAO. That Creole gramma don’t even know what she is.
Will say I do think she is partial to having a lady push up on her tho.
Remember that pic with Sanaa Lathan
Bey looked rather delighted.
Yes bitch tell the truth!
What in the green beaded hell is Lupita wearing?
Since she is fronting for Prada now, they managed to nearly destroy her well crafted “best dressed” rep she acquired during awards season in one fell swoop.
It’s a 1920s flapper inspired ensemble, and the best I could make of it is that it is Josephine Baker-ish.
But the fashion press was not kind. And Lupe had that look, from the first photo taken, that she knew she was going to get burned. I suppose that because The Met Gala is celebrating costume design, it is important to note that one doesn’t chose a gown as she would for the Oscars and Globes. *shrugs*
Good eye & summation!
Thank you Shortcake!
I couldn’t agree more, about Luptia’s attire looking like something she retrieved from Mrs Bakers closet, waaay too much was going on!
That’s too close to be just talking w Bey. Shes going in for a kiss. Her eyes are even closed.
Poor Lupita is clutching her purse. She doesn’t want this. Not like that anyways.
Why is Badu even there? Is she jealous? Or just perving trying to get in & fit in?
Creepy stuff either way.
Wow did not know they all get down like that. I knew about jm being gay but the other two I didn’t know they would even let it look like that but like the true saying was done in the dark allways comes out in the light
And Janelle is far from a lesbian more of the antithesis lol and a very cool perspn. But those were here college circuit new to Atl days
Erykah looks high as#### why the hell is she there now days it seems they are letting any one in lol
She’s repping the House of Givenchy now.
Will someone come and get this dy*e and put her on a leash and chain her to a fence
Beyonce is envious of Lupita for winning the oscar that she couldnt win. Lupita be careful because we all know Beyonce is down with the illuminati. This lesbian thing is another way of them bringing people in their secret circle.
Lupitas already in. Member when.. they were trying to set her up w all them white dudes?
And she won an Oscar. They don’t give them to anyone. Ask Marissa Tomei
Please give me more on this subject?? Are you saying that since Lupita and Marissa won Oscars that they had to fu** other women in the industry???
Beyonce talking with Janell up close and personal.I’m shocked.
Janell has to be sweet.How else could she have lasted in the industry for many years without any real success?
You might have something there –
let alone under puffy’s umbrella. she gets down believe me. everybody affiliated wit bad boy has to.
and Obama loves some Janelle Monae
I wonder why he loves her.hmmmm.I’m sure Henry Kissinger does too!
I can’t name not one song she sings.
That makes two of us.
I’ll take the Beyonce/Janelle Monae sandwich with Badu filming it for $1000 Alex.
me too
But i believe Janelle Monae mentioned she was in an affair with E, Badu sex majick
From looking at the above pics,its obvious Janelle loves the Pie with the Filling in the Middle.Ha.Ha.
That’s right. She opened for her in 2012. Never heard of her back then.
Look like shug and ceily.
hahhahahhahahah Lupita def looks like Ceily when she was trying on Shug’s clotes lol. Sistaaaaaa
typo ~ clothes
Lol…too funny!
Lmfaooooo !!! U right thoo
I literally lol’d
^^LMFAOOOOO.. Idont kno wat U heard about she, but Janelle’s a mutha f*ckin’ P.I.M.P**in mi 50cents voice**
Bwahahahahaha………..and this is why HSK is my fave site.
In the second pic, From the side she looks like Prince from Purple Rain with them ruffles.
Why Badu looking like a ghost that shows up when the film gets developed…
Hahahaha!!! Funny as hell.
badu’s always wearing something crazy.
Why the hell is Eryka Badu wearing one of those fugly pharrel hats? I won’t lie Lupita and Janelle look good together I don’t co sign this gay f*ckery but they look dope
I would love to be a fly on the wall at these type of events.
badu and jm did that song queen.
janelle won’t admit her sexuality thats how you know she’s a lesbian like we know anyway.
t put nothing past any celeb.
Janell definitely,has a masculinity about herself thats uncommon for most women.
It’s not uncommon. It’s called being a lesbian. Like Alicia Keyes.
I Concur.Alicia is very Sharp around the Edges to be a female.Whatever happened to the Soft feminine woman?
Right here, you sexy Israelite king, you!
Damn.Where have you been you Bronze Skinned Israelite Goddess.Where would I be without you?
lol About Alicia. That brings to mind a comedian back in the early 2000s talkikng about how ‘mannish’ she was, and how the comedian once saw Alicia adjust her crotch before getting up to accept an Award. Funny how all the entertainers who have an issue saying what they are usually turn out to be a little…twisted lol
Makes me wonder between Alicia and Swizz……who’s dickin’ who?
she’s a dyke and her male dancers look like kanye’s leftovers.
Chris, you betta go in, LOL!!
swear badu’s hat looks like the one in an old brides of funkenstein pic from 79.
I love that song song Prime Time Janelle Monae did with Miguel another how you doing individual. Lol. I guess birds of a feather flock together.
@Anonymous question any tea on melanie fiona? give me some of it?
The last thing I heard about Melanie Fiona is that she was dropped by her label. She dated the actor Adam Rodriguez a few years back then won 2 grammys with the rapper Ceelo. Dont know what she’s up to know.
@Anonymous wow i saw adam rodriguez has a child with grace gail is this true? what melanie fiona do to him how come did not last together? why she got dropped is she still managed by jay-z? i hear so many rumours about her being a thot or a slut and even having a bad attitude is this true?
Ok J.Mo I see you pimpin! Lupita look like a scared virgin and Beyonce looking like “its on”
They are all Lesbo’s… what’s new
Wow, didn’t know Bey or JM. But why wouldn’t they all the men are Gay so that means all the women r lesbo….smh….Badu does look creepy. Lol
Lil Kims ex boyfriend even said she was down with it too and was a eastern star
What kim are you talking about?
My bad. I just realized lil.
sneaky pic, no flash like the one with lupita, just increased exposure…
I love Janelle.
She is so much more authentic than Beyonce.
No homo, but I think that she and Lupita are absolutely adorable.
@Christa Janell:Shem Lupita:Ham.Janell’s Bronze Luster wins this one by a landslide.
Dude go take a running jump at yourself
Perhaps,you should go to Nigeria and as assist finding those little Hamite girls/Male ordered brides.
The Curse Of Ham strikes again!
You’re the pathetic fool, if at this stage in your life you can’t recognize sarcasm (AHAMITE) dumb f*ck…I don’t give a damn about any video of those despicable Northern Nigeria human garbage with their child brides, homosexuality, bestiality & Islamic nonsensical, that’s is their own cup of tea..they can stone, kill or decapitate their people, I don’t give a flying f*ck, they’ve held back that country for too long..they can stage all the phony kidnappings & follow up protest all they want it doesn’t bother me, they will get what they want WAR & I’ld would be on the very first plane out of here..we will serve it to them COLD & SWEET.
You idiot, who the hell told you the so called “Hamites” girls are missing, if you believe that then somebody has the Brooklyn Bridge for sale to you..they’re house negroes/uncle toms, even if they are truly missing I wouldn’t give a flying f*ck about those Northern Nigeria BASTARDS and I’m a NIGERIAN, so don’t tell me anything about those “HAMITES OR RATHER SHEMITES” for that is what they’re just like you, if there is actually such nonsense as Hamites/Shemites…your curse is upon them for the damage they’ve done to that country, so dude like said before I don’t care about those missing Shemites girls & I pray those despicable Northern Nigeria human garbage do the world a favor & kill themselves off…
Go to Worldstar and view the footage of one of those girls being stoned to death since its such a lie.You don’t believe in Ham/Shem but yet you refer to yourself as AHAMITE.Who’s the real idiot you filthy Hamite.
AHAMITE!!???!! Reply:
May 8th, 2014 at 12:49
You’re the pathetic fool, if at this stage in your life you can’t recognize sarcasm (AHAMITE) dumb f*ck…I don’t give a damn about any video of those despicable Northern Nigeria human garbage with their child brides, homosexuality, bestiality & Islamic nonsensical, that’s is their own cup of tea..they can stone, kill or decapitate their people, I don’t give a flying f*ck, they’ve held back that country for too long..they can stage all the phony kidnappings & follow up protest all they want it doesn’t bother me, they will get what they want WAR & I’ld would be on the very first plane out of here..we will serve it to them COLD & SWEET.
You don’t believe in Ham,but subsequently uses the screen name AHAMITE.SMH.How Ironic.
This is my last response to you because I don’t f*ck with Hamites,Period!Mark my words,the next conversation you and I have I’ll be standing over you with a Whip and a Chain.
Oh I hope he does. Also hope someone films it, and posts it on HSK. So we can all have a good laugh.
Oh lawd…lawd….lawd…….the comedy that is HSK.
Lol…@landslide. Jenell is very…handsome!
@Anon 4:26 Janell looks”Drunk In Love”sitting next to Lupita.Ha.Ha.
Trash report making something out of nothing, trash comments making nothing out of nothing.
Example: Not knowing how Janelle made a living before she found fame, and concluding that she must have been doing something reprehensible. Well Janelle made a living as one of the top backing singers in the country, and fame took its time to reach her because she turned down every offer that did not give her artistic freedom. Even Sean found that took time to resolve…
and before that she was a hard working server. She talked about it in the JayZ documentary which I loved her in. She explained why she wears black and white out of respect for her parents who wore domestic uniforms.
LMAO Janelle is not a lesbian…. shes usning that story to gain the lgbt community. she doesnt wanna identify herself as staright or gay cuz she feel she is being labeled bla bla bla shes apart of the conspiracy not apart of the rainbow. Ill still sit on her face but shes straight.. but that bey bey def eats the box for her daddy! oooww
for the record there are alot of bored lonely women who are not gay but will not turn down head from a woman… Everything isnt about a label some ppl just dont care how they get a nut. and those the hoes spreading ish like wild fire… mama said Dont eat from everybody kitchen
Ewwwww….your Mama told you that?
yes. Did your mama let you eat food from everyone kitchen table?
Lol..oh you meant that literally? My bad, I thought you were referring to a sex act.
Lmao! ^^^
I think Bey is like that. I’d imagine her hating, you know literally despising attractive women who she may see as a threat. However we know Kang Bey is a hardened drunk. Me thinks she may have had a young lady service her when the mood takes.
Ain’t Rita Ora meant to be her side chick? LOL
It’s something sexy about janelle’s weird ass I think she’s fine as hell. And she got some thick ass thighs I’ll f*ck the shit outta her quick!
You male or female?? Actually it doesn’t matter. You gotta 50/50 chance whatever gender you are. are a mess
@Anonymous wow i saw adam rodriguez has a child with grace gail is this true? what melanie fiona do to him how come did not last together? why she got dropped is she still managed by jay-z? i hear so many rumours about her being a thot or a slut and even having a bad attitude is this true?