Fat Joe: “I’m Blacker Than Most Black People”


To Fat Joe, the N-word is a “term of endearment” born out of the Hip Hip culture. That’s what the Terror Squad rapper explained during a recent radio appearance with NYC’s The Breakfast Club.

“We call our cousins that, we call our brothers that.”

During the interview, the Boogie Down Bronx Boricua also explained how he’s “blacker than most Black people.”

Check it:

“By the way, I’m blacker than most black people. For the record. From the Bronx, I grew up 90 percent black people, half my family is black, I love black people, I am pro-Latino, I love Latino. I don’t see the difference. If you a black person or you a Latino, and they got sugar next door, we’re going to your house — I’ve always viewed us as one.

Big Pun’s number one hit was ‘Boricua, Morena,’ together. You understand what I’m saying? ‘Why Fat Joe say the N-word?’ ‘Cause I am that nigga. It’s just the bottom line. I hate it when J. Lo said it one time, I know she’s a superstar and she’s like, ‘Ahhh.’ I’m like, ‘Yo, you’re from the Bronx, you supposed to say, that’s what we say.’

Terms of endearment. We call our cousins that, we call our brothers that. We were just talking about a white guy that says ‘N’ all day and we never looked at him different. Why? ‘Cause the first time I met him he was with 20 black dudes and every wife he ever had was black. He ain’t prejudice. He’s just saying it as a term of endearment. It’s not our fault it turned hip-hop.”

What are your thoughts on Fat Joe using the the N-word?


  1. ppl need to get real brown black or white U can all say nigga its a word nobody is offended by it

  2. Nigger yea but nigga nah,PPl jus need something to trip about or to make a big deal about but nigga ain’t hurting nobody

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