Evelyn Lozada Pimpin’ Out Her Own Daughter!!!

Evelyn Lozada Kris Jenner

HSK Exclusive – Evelyn Lozada appears to have taken a page straight out of Kris Jenner’s “momager” handbook. Know why? Not only is the former Basketball wife widely known to have schooled daughter Shaniece Hairston on being a leading gold digger, she’s also reported to be whoring out the 20-year-old to the industry too.

How else to do you think the kid got the gig to model for BCBG?

Evelyn Lozada Pimpin Daughter


  1. This is what older gold digging whores do. When their p*ssy dries out and ain’t selling anymore they pimp their young daughters out and live out their past through them.

      • Either that or she is working witchcraft on him. In the industry these whores are into that. Sometimes the elite arrange these marriages. They are not what they seem.

  2. Evelyn p*ssy probably blue the f*ck out now its time for daughter to be thoted out I never like eve nasty azz attitude I am glad basketball wives is ova they all whores shaunie is the real pimp.

  3. What else do you think her daughter is going to do? After she has watched her mother whore and come up as a result do you think she is going to actually work for a living……. No she is not, although she is pretty like her mother it is becoming obvious that she is a slut just like her mother to and is willing to sell her soul, ass and whatever else is needed for fame and money. Good luck…… I hope it’s worth it.

  4. Evelyn pimped her bball boo she pimped jenn and shaunie now her daughter shes effin roothless nd we knew this all about a dollar by any means…..

  5. Light-skin and long hair doesn’t automatically equate to beauty in my opinion–and Ev’s daughter is not beautiful, again in my opinion.

    • I agree. She’s passably attractive but no great beauty. Very hard looking. Looks 30,not 20 . From what I’ve seen, shes a very sweet young lady . She graduated high school and was attending college and dating a nice young man. Then her mama pimped her out to the industry and she hooked up with notorious trick Sean Kingston and that was that. Oh well. I pity her like I do the Jenner girls. Not much hope when your mother is a bonafide who’re

    • I agree. She’s passably attractive but no great beauty. Very hard looking. Looks 30,not 20 . From what I’ve seen, shes a very sweet young lady . She graduated high school and was attending college and dating a nice young man. Then her mama pimped her out to the industry and she hooked up with notorious trick Sean Kingston and that was that. Oh well. I pity her like I do the Jenner girls. Not much hope when your mother is a bonafide whore

    • She is prettier with fat on her face and slightly heavier but not overweight

      • She is a very pretty young lady, truth be told . What a pity that she has decided to forego common sense for gold digging. Her mother is not a good role model at all

  6. Like what makes you think she a whore? Jacky Got damn your overly hard on women for no reason at all. She is not taking advantage of anyone and all women love to flirt and men like o flirt she is living a life many want…She is getting to date UP and not down from the gate and this is a problem? Men are extremely judgmental and immature and I hope yawl grow up…She is beautiful and aspiring. Her mom is helping her because she can. Men traffic women DIDN’T YOU CLAIM TO FAME THAT YOU SAY YOU BEEN A PIMP AND ITS OK FOR THE GOOSE BUT NOT THE GANDER IF THAT IS EVEN THE CASE STILL HOW CAN YOU HONESTLY PUT THIS ARTICLE UP???/
    the woman didn’t even show her kid till she was off TV… but MEN can rape/make servants/walk around music videos with us on leashes calling us prostitutes or making hoes out of us whom have weakling in the brain sending them to strip clubs and she herself staying low on the totem pole is OVA!! and I see a LOT of hate towards aggressive non subservient women. YES we R strong and BUEATIFUL ALL AT THE SAME DAMN TIME and all THINGS HAVE A PRICE THAT MUST BE PAID AND GET PAID- THIS IS NOT A FREE WORLD AND WOMEN ARE NOT NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS WHO FUCK SILLY MEN FOR FREE…DON’T BE SCARED OF SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST, YOU SOUND LIKE A BLEACHING LAMB CUT AT THE NECK SEEING THE FUTURE WITH OUT A NEED FOR YOU, BEACUSE YOU SOUND LIKE A HATER, RIGHT NOW…

  7. Bottom line is that her p*ssy is not selling like it used to. She has played herself out of the game. All things must come to an end…even living off other people.

    • You can only work the baller circuit for so long before you build a rep and are no longer taken seriously. No man with options is going to want a women seen as a whore or used up and no matter how many women try to justify it like being a whore is cool as long as it pays the bills it is just wrong and shows that times and the world as we know it is really changing.

  8. If those tits are real then all I have to say is HOLY SHIT! Nevertheless, both of these hoes will soon realize that being a non-white hoe in hollywood will only get you so far. If you don’t believe me, ask Robin Givens!

  9. Wow it’s tough in here today. Where I live now p*ssy is cheaper than baloney lol the girls here give real woman a bad name

  10. This is a damn shame! That’s like Evelyn Pimping her daughter at the of 12!

  11. But why for? She just had that baseball baby.. isn’t that enough income?

  12. Her wrong is catching up with her. She tricked so many men til it’s going to hurt or kill her own daughter.

  13. Ev trained her baby to be a build a whore. She started her out young and now her baby fucking her way to the top.

  14. My name is matt and yes ev your baby is a build a whore and no Jackie did not say it its all in this article froms years ago way before some Jackie. You need to take a page out of Jackie book and learn how to keep a man bitch.

    • No Bitch I am a 36-23-36. What the fuck are you. I don’t even go to church. But even I know it is stupid as fuck to insult the Christian people who have not even done nothing to you. Why the fuck would you say people are Christians and we are all mostly cussing on the page. Get the fuck out of here. If people were they would not be cussing. You taking Loco.

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