Another Crazy Woman Breaks Into Chris Brown’s House

  • chris brown break in

Another intruder made their way into Chris Browns’ house last night, but this time they were taken away by the cops.

This past summer, Breezy’s home was robbed for $50,000 when crooks broke in and held his aunt at gunpoint and locked her in a closet.

Fortunately for the volatile singer, this break-in was not nearly as violent, and didn’t end up costing him $50k.  On Tuesday evening police were called to Brown’s Woodland Hills mansion when a 27-year-old woman made her way onto his property.

She waited out front of his place until the gate’s opened when someone was leaving and then made her way in.  Security tried to get her to leave, but she would not go so the cops were eventually called.

The woman had been seen hanging around his place before, but had never been this aggressive.  Chris was apparently in the house, but never bothered to come out during the arrest.


  1. Don't you
    just love how he's in the news everyday for stupid stuff? That's because his publicists are reality tv pros! Hype hype hype.

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