We all know Chris Brown never lets go of an ex, and he came to the White Knight defense of Karrueche Tran on Instagram.
When he finds time between getting one of his many head tattoos, Brown is trolling Insta to make sure no one is thirsting after any of the women he deems his.
Karrueche posted a juicy photo pic of her in a bikini on IG and actor turned R&B singer, Marques Houston, fell directly into the thirst trap.
Breezy noticed the (perceived) injustice, and feeling threatened threw out a classic line from Tia and Tamera Lowry’s show “Sister, Sister,” in which Marques was a recurring character who could never get any love.
Boy get over her already had your chance now step !
Learn to keep,your stds yourself and your prick in your pants she’d still be with ya !
Lmao I had to laugh at that line. I haven’t heard that line in years! Lmao!
Chris dont own her what is he doing paying her bills and car notes if hes not doing that then he should just stfu hes not marrjed tl her and he has no child by her he cant stop her frlm talking to anybody and he cant stop nobody from talking to het
Bwahahahahahhahaha @ GO HOME ROGER! #DEAD
Don’t you mean “R&B singer turned actor”? Any who, Marques and any other man have a right to look at her. Chris is no longer with her and if he wanted her, he should have stayed with her so no other man can have her. Seriously, Karrueche should stand up for herself. That or she’s the type that enjoys a man’s obsessive jealousy then there’s no helping that.
What booty is this nigga talking about??? And every time I think Chris is finally growing up he commits this Coonery smfh I can’t with these ppl
Breezy (doesn’t) “OWN” her, but HIS COMMENT was HILARIOUS!!.
Chris is that type of ninja that will never grow up. For f*cks sake he has got a child.
What is Chris Bitch talking about and why is he comfortable stalking his EX’s page??? Where r the adults in his life to tell him to take a nap?l
Chris really does like that girl along with a lot of other girls
He ain’t gotta worry bout nuthin Marques Houston a BOOTY BANDIT. He messed up B2k boots with Chris strokes