Caitlyn Jenner hit the town with a new boo on her arm…and in true Kardashian/Jenner family fashion, he’s black of course!
Caitlyn arrived in London and was spotted heading out to a casino accompanied by her alleged boyfriend. According to sources, “the pair looked extremely at ease in each other’s company.”
You think he knows she used to be a he?
In related news, Caitlyn’s reassignment surgery is already booked!
This tyranny and his black boyfriend is ridiculous and they keep promoting and shoving this shit down all our throats.
Your right, I don't give a shit.
Me either. I’m with you!
Amen to that.
Look at those cr……I mean yams! YUK
Caitlin please go away …please
Well said!
Seems like a gay thing
As usual a black dude gotta sign up for this mess. And what is up with Caitlins knees??
Everything with this family is fake as hell.
He's near 70 years old. That's whats wrong with his knees.
That little dude is no way Bruce's man. He was just paid to escort him to an event.
You're right, he's definitely being paid!
What's up with the lazy eye, lmao
The knees thing is called 'aging'. check yuour mommas knees
My mom has knees tighter than mine tbh. I've never seen knees like Caitlyns on anyone in my family.
ugly knees…
work it girl. ugly knees having heffa. and as per usual a dumb black kneegro is yet again caught in the spiderweb of this tainted talent-less family. sad and pitiful to the utmost.
kneegro……to damn funny.
I'm at work reading these comments, too funny. Kneegro…..the BEST BY FAR.
I don't usually comment but KNEEGRO!!!!!!
He looks African to me. Maybe he just got here and doesn't know about the KKKs.
its london, you numpty.
Black males love anal sex I would say black males love trans's but they really love the white man ass come on y'all brothers admit it!
oh yes I admit it. love the white c*k deep in me. and BW got no choice but to be with us, cause you'll never know. LOL
Anal sex is NOT a black male ”thing” it's an ALL male thing…you need to chill on your whole black male bashing, and deal with whatever black man or men hurt you…your issues are too deep for a blog to solve.
Who molested you when you were a child? Better be careful before the police shoot your ass down whoops I won't be marching for you. It wasn't me Who molested you when you were a child go talk to your daddy about that oh he wasn't there –so stop projecting and I'll keep writing what the hell I want at this blog and no matter what you wear any simp or mammy says I'll continue nice try though- I'm not the one.
Crazy, just don't care what you think or say…just Crazyyyyy oh & childishly immature…msg…
More like who molested you?
You are a psychopath who is beyond prayer for your soul to be saved…smdh.
Wow, Can we cut the racist shit. Obviously you are interested in the KKK''s as you chose to read the article. Stop throwing hate around, grow the f*ck up.. its people that spew this hateful shit that cause the issues in this world.
Your exactly correct. These kind of morons think there cool but that’s what’s wrong. Black or white you disrespect you get disrespected. Than you says rascist. We need to work on not being rascist. Much easier.
You’re right!
or maybe Caitlyn likes to give in the ars LMAO
No white men love it. They raped black slaves.
How would you know?
Anybody walking next to Bruce is his boyfriend when really he's the help…lol lol
I'm LMFAO this bastard needs some stocking on those ugly legs.. I said a long time ago Brucilla was jealous of the women in his house.. How true I was, it does take much for some black men to sell their souls for a few dollars.. I can't with all this shit shoved in our faces and young children.. It's sickening and it's not the norm.. He looks like he has sugar in his tank, so birds of a feather flock together.. Somebody please help these crazy ass disgusting people.. Sheesh
The black guy appears to be transgender.
I concur
Uh no….
I cannot help but laugh every time I see Bruce Jenner in drag. It's just funny as hell. He is also a transvestite – not a transsexual or so-called 'transgender.'
Tony, while I haven't always been your biggest fan, lately I have been impressed with some of your observations. You are the only person here to correctly diagnose Jenner as the autogynephile(or transvestite) that he is. He has no interest in cutting off his junk or even having sex with men. His kick is the sexual high he gets from women's clothes, makeup and other superficial ornamentation. That is why he is still a proud conservative Repug. An LGBT person would never be a part of a party which shuns them in every way. Bruce is a straight man with a fetish. Period.
So Tony, could you please explain to me why such a well read and introspective person as yourself seems to be comfortable with the "cloning" and "sacrifice" crowd?
You seem much smarter to me, and I don't imagine you to be ruled by superstition and paranoid fantasy.
Stop Flattering this person so much they are just regurgitating what Sandra Rose says about Bruce Jenner it's the same language. Also I'll never forget that Miss Tony is a rape/molestation apologist and with vehemently defending Africa Bambata!
Stop being a no good hater "100." I never supported Bam, I only don't like the clear Free Mason gang up tactics which charge him with crimes without proof and they expect us to believe these two "young" "victims" who have nothing to go on but their scripted versions of events.
I only ask for proof, as I do not take people's word for it. Besides, Savage and Poppy look and sound gay and they went back to Bam for YEARS to get more gay sex! If someone were trying to charge me with something, they need to bring the evidence and show it. Now if all parties involved knew about this for decades and looked the other way – they are just as guilty.
Thanks, but I don't support clones, aliens, reptilians and crap like that. Now the sacrifices do seem very persuasive… From what I have seen, they are extremely hard to deny…
Black men-not all) are a f*cking joke at this point. And yet they wonder why black women and the world doesn't respect them worth a damn.
I will forever call "Caitlyn" f*cking Bruce. No amount of political correctness will make me refer to that abomination as a "she."
Black men aren't too respectful of black women either. The whole mess is broken.
Unfortunately, the disrespect on both sides has been cultivated over time and media exposure and is part of a grand scheme of divide and conquer. And I am not talking about that Illuminati bull-crap either- it's much more dangerous and insidious. Brothers should be respected because it hard to deal with the systematic conditioning and constant fear and still do the right things and Sisters should have respect because even though we are looked upon as the worst of the worst we are still entrusted to carry life and the genetic blueprint in our bodies, if we so choose and have to be twice as strong and smart as everyone around us, despite the abuse we get. Let's go higher than this base bullshite.
Realize that the plan to breed us out failed because we are the dominate gene. So the next plan is to will just try to turn us against each other. Very sad if you fall for it.
omit *will*. Typing too fast 🙂
Bullshit I'm not respecting a man just because he's black respect has to be earned. Anyway black men are the same man who created rap!! 35 years of bashing black women so take off your Mammy Cape. Black women have it much harder than black men based on being females alone! I'll be damned if I give respect to the street bums because they're black males!
You need to re-read what I wrote. Nobody said that you have to respect a person if he is a azzhole to you or is disrespectful to you. I'm just saying there is a psychology behind all this that is being used in a dangerous way. To sit here and group all BM's in the same category and generalize makes you a hypocrite cause it's what they do to you in your world. That is not the way it is in my world. And please, hon, don't tell me to take of my "Mammy Cape" cause I am FAR from a Mammy, my dear. I am very aware of my rich heritage and I take pride in our TRUE history and in my beautiful skin. I also don't bow and scrape to anyone, nor do I take care of some useless fool. I try to look past all the distraction bullshite at the real issue. Seems like you just want to insult anyone who doesn't agree with you and you are buying into the divisiveness. Every culture has men that disrespect their women publicly and privately. But they stick together–we don't. I run in interesting circles and in the end I just wanted to offer information. If you want to take it please do, if you don't, who cares. I'm sorry that you are so angry but opinions are like skulls and I just gave mine.
You're ignoring the fact that while all cultures and races have men who disrespect their women they NEVER EVER disrespect or sell their women out to other races. Black men are the only ones who do this. Arab men will beat, subjugate their women but don't YOU ever dare come for their women. They will automatically stand up for them. Black men on the other hand START the jokes about us. Other men will look on at their foolish asses uncomfortably even but on they go disparaging us. I have no obligations toward them. Sorry. Until we make them step up by not playing their role of protecting us they will never be as strong as the other men.
I am not ignoring anything. Have you seen the human traffic trade where Russian/ Eastern European men sell their women to rich arabs, blacks, and whites??? Have you seen in china where a girl's life is not worth as more as a boy?? So they are drowned? How about their media which shows Asian women to not be as beautiful as white women–so much so that many change the shape of their eyes to adopt that standard of beauty? Have you been in the room when Russian men talk to others races about how their women are gold diggers, good for nothing tramps that should not be trusted and have nothing going for themselves except their Puzzy? And they prostitute their own women for humiliating and degrading practices to rich Arabs, Persians, and Africans? What about Arab men, who kill their women and then brag about it to anyone who will hear them that she deserved it because she brought shame to the family? Trust me you can come for an arab women, they sell their own women out to powerful men of other nationalities for money or power because in many places a women is considered property. I have heard and seen all these things. Women are always disrespected in the world, my dear, by men and that is a shame. Black men don't corner the market on those behaviors. But like I said despite that, they stick together for the big picture and we don't. You may feel that you don't have an obligation to them and maybe you don't. It's a free country we live in. I just here to tell you there is an insidious plan in effect to divide and conquer, especially in America, because the previous tensions of race and sexual injustices are exploited. The knowledge is that the anger and hurt between white and black, men and women, Muslims, Christians, Jews, and other is so great and runs so deep that is doesn't take much to inspire hatred and create smaller factions that are easier to manipulate and control. That's really all I can say on the internet. You can take it and run with it or reject what I am telling you but that doesn't mean that a plan doesn't exist and it not working. Your response is proof that it is.
Mammys and Simps keep getting educated at this blog F that I'm a child of rap hip-hop!! I was raised in a culture where black women were slander distant mocked for musical entertainment by the black man now as an adult woman I say f*ck those hoe and I'm talking about black men!
The same way black males immediately call black women bitches that's exactly how quick I called them simps & punks and down low jail birds.
One sided loyalty is for suckers there is no way in hell I respect a man just because he's black he has to prove he is worthy of respect!
I respect Jacky and he is a black man right? I take my black men on a person-to-person basis.
I can't be bullied or brainwashed into being a mammy sorry like I said f*ck them hoes I was raised by hip-hop women like me are the black peoples karma.
RenaissanceRose, Spoken like a truly intelligent Queen. They ain't ready! But, they better get ready!
I hope brother is getting paid at least he f*cking a old ass white shemale in the ass better him than me you wanna be a bitch go ahead f*ck Bruce I r whatever his whore name is been said Bruce wanted black dick he wanted to get f*cked in his ass CV cause his f family was f*cking black dick it's rumors he used to suck oj dick way back in the day on saying this hag look good a shame gonna go with a fag at least get a good looking trans not a old ass white bitch but hey to each his own f*ck following these whites they showing you everyday how they feel and these dumb bkacks still wanna suck white dick
All money is not good money.. Also he's not getting what this old drag King is worth.. Brucilla is very wealthy.. It's a sad world we are now living in.. They have gay cartoons now, my grandson said he can't watch the Saturdays morning now because the cartoon are showing gay cartoons.. All I can say us people better start praying and praying hard, because prayers are not being said and there's no more love in anything. It's all about the latest fad..
Cartoons have always had gay shit in them…all those characters have dressed in drag at some point and kissed supposed same sex characters "as a joke"…now they just actually call the characters gay and show them married etc.
I legit cannot stop laughing
I've seen Bruce Gender have better days. Not his best look.
When did he have a best look
He has the worst knees ON earth. Lol. He's semi-decent in a man-trans way when he covers those knobs up.
I saw someone on Twitter say they're "gender fluid". He says on some days he feels like a man and on some days he feels like a woman. I don't know what's happening anymore. You finally accept one thing and then they come up with another. I just can't. Even Angelina & brad Pitts daughter shiloe is now a boy named john. I'm failing to understand all of this.
..and this is one of the reasons I'm not with all that bathroom/gender nonsense. Too many confused people – don't bring everybody into their confused identities. One day a man- the next a woman. Why cater to that crowd???
Shiloe is being called John because SHE is a spoilt rotten brat who has been raised seeing LGBT foolishness as a viable thing to be before SHE is old enough to logicaly make up HER mind as to what it really means. SHE is a CHILD not a grownup. It is her parents responsibility to raise and guide HER until SHE is an adult and old and wise enough to make those deciscions. She is a child going through a tomboy stage that should not be encouraged in the LGBT direction. She should have that talk way in the future when she has some years and wisdom to look back on.
Another "coincidence" …
Yeah tear his old white ass up get that old bitch money he wanna be a bitch Make him suck dick like a bitch f*ck Kaitlyn jenner
People choose to ignore the f*ckery they're shoving down our throats. These whores are always with black men. Even over here in The UK, more and more adverts (commercials) are portraying black women with white men and mixed kids. They're trying to race mix and mongrelize the black race to dilute the melanin. Its done subliminally and stays in your subconscious.
You cannot dilute the "melanin trait"- otherwise we would not exist. And we cannot be "mongrelized" because we have the dominant genetics. You are almost there, though, Kiki. It has much more to do with the changing the genetic blueprint to allow for something to happen. That is why, for years, it was more acceptable for a white woman to date a black man than it was the other was around. The current trend of interracial dating in the media is nothing new… it's just more obvious. And remember, the conditioning goes both ways. How do you make it acceptable for a white person who has never lived around a black person to think it's socially acceptable to date said person? Saturate the media with propaganda images over time to make that acceptable. So you are right about it being subliminal and staying in the subconscious.
Kiki you are slow. For the past 35 years black man have been openly in your face race mixing via Rap music. Black man promote light and white women like crazy in rap videos!! ?talk about race division!! women like you have a blind spot you only talk about race mixing when black women swirl whereas black man outnumber black women Swirling almost 3 times as much!
R and b stars soul and funk artists race mixed too Rick James, Sly stone, Hendrix, j James Brown, chakabkhan. And Diana ross
Black men in rap only started putting white girls in videos when dirty oprah winfrey and that crowd started claiming they were committing mysogny of black women. They tried hard to destroy the rap industry, but white america wouldn’t let them, AND Lil Wayne came out with Lollipop and saved the day.
Europeans love rap. I was in a very good hotel in Italy and x-rated rap came on the sound system in the lobby LOL No lie. They have their own video stations with America and Italian rappers on it.
This man is getting paid to play just like Corey Gamble. Lol.
I can see a dude laying pipe to Kris a dude laying pipe to Bruce well just hope he getting paid anybody wNna f*ck a 70year old queer autoglyphin whatever dressing in woman's clothes and dating men are two different things
This is nasty. Straight up freak show and I don't give a f*ck if anyone is offended! I'm offended because a man can wake up one day and decide to be a woman. Does anyone else feel when they ovulate or is it just me?
Been said all these gay dudes should get a monthly cycle or fibroids. Then, we'll see who's zoomin whom.
they should be forced to have the worse vaginal birth possible. their fake vaginas should be cut from front to back. and labor that lasts a damn week. sorry b8stards.
Another "afropean" interracial propaganda…
(((TPTB))) are so eager to destroy both white and black races…
How come that the only interracial relations promoted only imply africans and europeans ?…?
Not everything black is a Hammite (african)
Lets see all blacks and whites reproduce and their offspring reproduce making more white kids yes and more biracial date white yes one race agenda indeed and let's not forget blacks was the ones who wanted to integrate and crave white p*ssy and white dick
Dr. King and his homeboys were having orgies with white chicks from The North who came down for the marches and protests. Integration was about being able to sleep with whites, and this is the agenda. Obama was the alibi for all of this, which is why he was chosen. If black people are crazy enuf to go down with Caucasians, that's out of our hands. Honestly, a lot of blacks need to go…Ugly Truth!
Actually Coretta Scott King revealed in her biograpy that HER FIRST LOVE WAS A WHITE JEWISH CLASSMATE AND THEY PLANNED TO MARRY!!!
UNTIL his parents came to meet her and she couldn’t even sit in the restaurant with them. They didn’t want their son to endure Jim Crow. Coretta Scott King, My Loves, My Life, My Legacy!!
J. Edgar Hoover (gay leader of the FBI) spread all kinds of lies about MLK.
On the next episode of Dirty Jobs……………
LOL!!, funny!!
They love gay black men…No Secret! Kanye is a fashionista and Tyga is having orgies with Transvestites in Hollywood. Come on black people, the Romans are running the entertainment industry. A bunch of down-low negros are all over the place. Just as I assumed, he ends up with a blackman. These negros are hella embarrassing to The Brothahood…All of Them!
@Sarah in response to what you said above about black men @ 6:16, I am not ignoring anything. Have you seen the human traffic trade where Russian/ Eastern European men sell their women to rich Arabs, Blacks, and Whites??? Have you seen in China where a girl's life is not worth as more as a boy?? So they are drowned? How about their media which shows Asian women to not be as beautiful as White women–so much so that many change the shape of their eyes to adopt that standard of beauty? Have you been in the room when Russian men talk to others races about how their women are gold diggers, good for nothing tramps that should not be trusted and have nothing going for themselves except their Puzzy? And they prostitute their own women for humiliating and degrading practices to rich Arabs, Persians, and Africans? What about Arab men, who kill their women and then brag about it to anyone who will hear them that she deserved it because she brought shame to the family? Trust me, you can come for an Arab women, they sell their own women out to powerful men of other nationalities for money or power because in many places a women is considered property. I have heard and seen all these things. Women are always disrespected in the world, my dear, by men and that is a shame. Black men don't corner the market on those behaviors. But like I said, despite that, they stick together for the big picture and we don't. You may feel that you don't have an obligation to BM and maybe you don't. It's a free country we live in. I just here to tell you there is an insidious plan in effect to divide and conquer, especially in America, because the previous tensions of race and sexual injustices are exploited. The knowledge is that the anger and hurt between White and Black, men and women, Muslims, Christians, Jews, and others is so great and runs so deep that is doesn't take much to inspire hatred and create smaller factions that are easier to manipulate and control. That's really all I can say right now. You can take it and run with it or reject what I am telling you but that doesn't mean that a plan doesn't exist and it"s not working. Your response above is proof that it is.
And stupid janet jackson married into an arab culture that treats women like 5th class citizens and thinks we’ll believe she’s going to get a big divorce settlement. LOL He already has all that fools money. That’s what he married her for. Not to be a wife and do wifely things like have babies. That’s why the fool had to go.
Bruce out here suckin dyck.. Sicko
Let him I'm he wants to drink cum let the bitch go
omg, somebody really needs to let him know, he's to old to be flashing thighs and shit. Women of a certain age should not be wearing skirts up to their wazoo. Looks to me like he's chanelling Chris Jenner, looks and her black man by her side. And we all know Chris' man is in it forf the money, can't blame him, get what you can.
Yes, Kim needs to tell him to wear pants at all times.
why bother with Jenner he/she is a nobody
everyone speaking in this post sounds f*cking stupid. its just a pic with no real proof of anything. never believe any article that ends with "sources say" and yes BRUCE IS A FUCKING FREAK ON LEGS. the world knows this..
Everyone on this post is not talking about this man in drag with this pygmy. So put yourself on the list of sounding stupid.
pygmy LOL LOL
He use to b a man he still has his man parts !
More power to her!…I support her decision to do whatever it takes to be happy, If being a woman makes her feel better about herself and feel more complete as a human being then so be it! Nobody's views on this subject really matter and nobody is perfect so stop judging her. Live and let live is what I say! So much hatred for a person that you have never even met before, you don't have to like it but you also don't need to be throwing such rude comments around. We're all humans trying to find our way in life. Ultimately what matters is your own happiness stop worrying about what everybody else is doing and focus on your own life!
GTFOHWTBS….and that thing will NEVER be a her no matter how much make up and surgeries he has.
Really, and what kind of fool gives up all the benefits of being a man? For the hardships of being a woman, who has to:
moisturize twice a day
shave entire body
spend 50% of your paycheck on clothes/shoes/makeup/jewelry/perfume
birth kids
All a man has to do is shower and go, shower and go and he looks YOUNG with no makeup, cream, etc. I’M JEALOUS AS HECK.
Hell I’d give my right arm
The real question is does he know Caitlyn can beat his scrawny ass if he misbehaves?
Funny how ALL this Black Men hating is in "vogue" but ALL I see are a BUNCH of Ignorant, hating ass people!! When we elevate our women, we are "reverse-racist!" GTFOH! And ALL this shit you guys are spewing (while NEVER showing their REAL names) is a bunch of misguided, racist bullshit!!!
And I put my NAME on mine! I would LOVE to see you pussies say this shit to a REAL man, in his face! But I forgot, you guys are too p*ssy to do that!!
Do not worry about the ignorant self-hating bitches on this site….there are plenty of women here who actually know better and do NOT stand behind the black men bashing, trust and believe I shut it down on both sides, because there is plenty of Black Women bashing too, when I see it.
It's sad that hating your own is now in fashion…the self loathing may be deep for some but it is more like some are being conditioned to hate your own and that is even more sad. Like I said before, let's rise above this bullshite and stop being so weak-minded and thin-skinned because I guarantee that BM and BW were built for strength and to last. @ 100, You call your own people Mammy's and Simps, just for disagreeing with you when, in truth, you play into the agenda and you use the language of the enemy on your own people. Listen carefully. Our art forms have been taken to be used against us, just like our TRUE history was stolen from us and we were enslaved and separated so we would not know who we are or what we have in us that is PRICELESS. The toxicity created by hatred is a REAL power that feeds an evil thing. But what is meant for bad can be used to create good. And yes, there are sellouts, but they come in all colors. I just wish you would tone down your anger, cause I really mean you no harm, Sister. I just telling you what I know to be true from my travels and hoping that you run with it.
Walk on the southside of chicago and dodge black bullets everyday while black policemen do nothing but draw a big fat check, then tell us how you feel.
Why nigga? WHY?
Let him live…Stop hating!!
No one is hating…truth is truth and the truth hurts….
Only a black man would be stupid enough to go out with him . Damn shame I had to say it…
Old freaking couple……
Lies, that guy is a Nigerian gay activist and they aren't dating.
Fag as f*ck
Fuck off
I've never seen so much hate for people YOU DON'T EVEN FUCKIN KNOW… then on this thread right here. Mind your f*cking business if you don't like what someone else is doing in THEIR life. People just look for a reason to talk shit and give their opinion, like someone actually cares what you have to say.
they tried to make kris look bad for cheating when the whole time she couldnt get any dick at home. just sad.old school closetbcases too scared to be for real ?
Dude is a rent-a-hoe. not a boyfriend.
Hoe progressive. White tranny dating black dude. Will probably adopt an Asian baby and name it mohammed because islam is allegedly peaceful and all whites are inherently evil. I can’t take this progressive crap anymore.
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He got a man all yell talking probably don’t have have no relationship with no body stop hating on him or her that’s his life an god only can judge
Damn.. shim! You should have rocked one of them Hillary Clinton lesbian pantsuit outfits!
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I just had to come back here for the Kneegro comments. Fucken classic! Also word has it that K-Solo is now a tranny.
That’s Bisi Alimi..an HIV positive gay activist. I won’t be surprised if Mr Jenner is HIV + too.
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