Bernice Burgos’ 21-year-old daughter Ashley recently posted on Snapchat that she wouldn’t be giving out any information about the person who did her “ass” because she would end up in jail if something happen to the person.
She wrote:
“The only reason I never say who did my ass is because I’m not dumb. Everybody is different if something happens to you then Ima go to jail for even taking you there like no. I’m not taking any chances. I have to know and trust you in order to you.”
What type of mothers are these? Instead of showing their daughters to love themselves, they find them to nearest plastic surgeon and/or basement bootleg doctor? SMH
We have an epidemic of mental illness that nobody talks about.
Man what! Everybody sick in the damn head.
“The only reason I never say who did my ass is because I’m not dumb. Everybody is different if something happens to you then Ima go to jail for even taking you there like no. I’m not taking any chances. I have to know and trust you in order to you.”
She gives confirmation about her intelligence with the first sentence. If something happens to you, as in disfigurement, illness, or death, the person who did the procedure is the one that would go to jail. You are headed for a life of pain and regrets. That silicon better not roll down her legs or get into her blood.
Remember when Sistahs didn’t need to build an ass and the caveBitch walked around with pancakes on the back of her legs? Now thanks to fast food places similar to McDooDoos and Murder King the food seems intentionally engineered to reverse the fat proportion in black women and white females. I have always had my suspicions about this. The changes were really noticeable in the 90s. About the same time weak brothas adopted the “Let’s use white girls as ATMs” mindset and the migration of the weak link brothas over to beckies started happening. Everything has been seemingly by design. I’ve often wondered if they targeted fat genes with certain chemicals in food in order to help this interracial agenda… Things that make you go hmmm…..
I wouldn’t be surprised.
There is a serious problem in our society when women will allow a back alley monster to inject hell knows what into her body and it think that there will not be any repercussions in the future. Foreign objects inserted into the human body for nonmedical purposes will cause future blood clots, paralysis, and or loss of arms/legs just to name a few. Pick your poison.