Toya Wright said in a recent interview that, she’s not trying to get a divorce from her husband Mickey “Memphitz” Wright. Toya, went on to say she wishes to get back with her husband. She also says that, the lawsuit Love & Hip Hop Atlanta cast member, K Michelle, filed last year against her hubby, took a toll on their marriage.
Here’s what Toya Wright said:
“The current status of me and my husband [is] we are separated at the moment. And, we’re just- everybody has their martial issues. And right now, you know, we’re separated.
The current status of me and my husband [is] we are separated at the moment. And, we’re just- everybody has their martial issues. And right now, you know, we’re separated.
I mean, what is going on with my husband, like I said when I spoke on it, is it’s bigger than me. Micky has been going through something for the last few years since the whole lawsuit thing against his ex–K. Michelle and Viacom and it really took a toll on him and it caused him to be a different person. So I think that, going through all of those things, and having all of that stress and the world looking at you one way as a woman beater and person that steals someone’s money, it’s hard for you to get back into your industry when you had a career and not a job and somebody defames your character, I mean, it’s a lot to deal with day to day.
And I watched it. I went through it with him for three years. And I’ve been to counseling.”
All I. can speak on is the separation. Separation is so stressful and so hard when you love your husband…really it is.
Please don’t even talk about divorce. Just too too stressful.
Word. Going through one now.
Leave K. Michelle outta your problems it has been over 3 years since he was with K. Toya it just turned out that K was right about him all along and you are trying to save face dont blame her for Your mistake she told you formt the begining he wasn’t shit. but you thought your shit dont stink and she was jealous. K moved on and now Toya you should do the same if you cant get past K Michelle.
He doesn’t want the marriage anymore, I feel terrible for Toya. She shouldnt force him, let his nasty ass go, she can do so much better.
Hmmmm in other words she means her husband turned into the man he always was the same man that beat K Michelle .I did not read anywhere it says Toya wants him back.Anyhow move along people there is always a reason to take a break and think carefully about getting back together sometimes separation or divorce is a blessing for better things to come.
sometimes, you gotta stand by the one you love through the good and the bad. He may be going thru some things that may cause him to seem disrepsectful..but she’s the one who has to live with it, not you…I never understood why women are so eager to tell another woman to leave their man over 1 do you know that theyre good times dont out-way the bad? Why shouldnt she fight and stand for love?
Sounds like desperation tome.
* to me. However, so many black women mistake desperation for love. It’s really sad.
So I guess she’s not gonna come rite out and say that K was right about him, that he is crazy and abusive..she’s trying to phrase it like white women do, ” oh he’s going through so much” or my husband is not himself” smh girl shut your simple country ass up..he ain’t shut and we all know it end.of story
Exactly my point and you got it right and can see through the bullsh*t.
LolololololoL….ok we all see the bs.
nuff said @Anonymous. BAM! smdh
toya should of listened to k.mitchelle, women need to bite the bullet and listen!!
toya didn’t know the facts she believed mickey because she was dick whipped and stupid, her and rasheeda are both stupid.
just because a man is nice on the outside doesn’t mean he’s nice inside, most women are fallen
for this crap, these men are whipping their ass’s and these women stay for the sex and comfort.
what’s more important being happy and safe or dick??
That shit right there! Dick & image don’t go together no more than a wet p*ssy & dry ass purse.
wet dick my favorite!, love getting banged out by my boyfriend
especially when he’s banging me out inside his truck!!!
All of this is code talk and what she’s really trying to say is dude was Ballin when they first met but as of now he’s obviously broke.That along with being in LilWayne’s Shadow is whats really killing him.Woman love to talk in Parables when trying to protect they’re image to not come off as materialistic or a gold digger.Try again Toya!
Another good possibility.
he is a woman-beater and a money-hungry money stealer. chile bye with this article. karma, baby, huntin’ his ass for how he did K. Michelle. smdh
Why does he wear shades inside so often? He doesnt seem like a druggie or have a cocked eye. Are his eyes sensitive to light?
Her husband her right to get back with him if she chooses. Perhaps separation is necessary for him to get his head right and re prioritize. He needs to stop talking sh8t on social media. When K Michele came out with her claims he should have done an interview then and spoke his peace. If its not true why not tell your side and move on.people will believe what they will any way.