Who's HSK Talkin' About?
Today's blind item is the quintessential American icon -- rich, famous ... and no stranger to scandal. Here's the thing: Though...
Who’s Jacky Talking About?
Today's blind item is a married couple said to secretly be concocting a scheme as part of a pub play over his product launch...
Who’s Jacky Talking About?
"He's one of the biggest tricks ever!"
The first of today's two blind items is lookin' like the latest hot thot sizzlin' on Hollywood's bidding...
Who’s Jacky Talking About?
She is America's undisputed reigning reality porn star. Just ask Bill Whitaker -- the dude she recently gave up those 60 Minutes of her...
Who’s Jacky Talking About?
Today's blind item is widely recognized as a Real Husband of Hollywood. But sources say if the reported "secretly taped sex capade" were to...
Who’s Jacky Talking About? August 8, 2016
Today's blind item is a well known ATL rapper. He claimed a spot in recent headlines for ponying up 2,500 backpacks as a 'Street...
Who’s Jacky Talking About? – July 25, 2016
Today's blind item is definitely lookin' like one sorry azz ol' timer that Lonely Won't Leave Alone. That's because, after 12-years of marriage, homey...
Who’s Jacky Talking About? – July 11, 2016
"I guess when people get a lil money, or you a star in the hood, you always wanna be traffic."
Today's blind item came up...
Who’s Jacky Talking About? – July 5, 2016
Today's 'acting' blind item is busy in the midst of doin' damage control. This, after he caught a serious skool'in at the hands of...
Who’s Jacky Talking About? – May 3, 2016
"I don't lie. The only people I lie to are the police." -- Today's Blind Item
Today's blind item is said to be one of...
Who’s Jacky Talking About? – February 25, 2016
Today's baller of a blind item got so hooked on Miss. Mary Jane that he didn't just bounce on his ex-wife ... he...
Who’s Jacky Talking About? – February 22, 2016
Today's blind item doesn't seem to be repp'in his Cash Money roots. Know why? Word from the streets reveal this lil emcee has...