HSK is the realest celebrity gossip and philosophy blog on the internet. News, gossip, fact & fiction all on one site. A true diary from the Hollywood Street King, Urban Guru Jacky Jasper.
Jacky Jasper has set himself apart as not only an accomplished artist, but now as an online persona with only Perez Hilton to surpass.
Influence and readership
If you want to reach a highly targeted audience of pop-culture junkies, you’ve come to the right place. HSK delivers daily updated content and has developed a strong reputation, and numerous mentions by major media outlets.
HSK draws a loyal following of young and influential readers who are up to date with what’s hot in society and is the perfect place to reach a massive audience of the culturally obsessed.
HSK content is delivered to MILLIONS of readers on a monthly basis direct from the website and through the various syndication outlets. Additionally HSK utilizes all major and independent social networking tools delivering our content to millions of additional consumers.